Mental Wellness Blog & News

Mental wellness got more attention than ever before

Mental wellness got more attention than ever before

How was your year?  We often measure the results of a good or bad year with external factors, based on what we achieved in the physical world: a new car, a new phone, or a new relationship (be it business/work or personal life related), etc. How often do you stop to reflect on what you achieved in your inner domain? For example: Are you more productive and engage...
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International Stress Awareness Week

International Stress Awareness Week

An endless amount of things around you can trigger stress. Like technology we use (freezing of computer or app when you are most busy), unfriendly remarks (in social media), problems at work (toxic workplace or colleague), financial problems, external crises, difficult family relations, etc. However, those external triggers around us aren't the real cause of stress. It is foolish to...
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Excellent mental wellness boosts productivity

Excellent mental wellness boosts productivity

Arianna Huffington has said, "Create a wellbeing culture, a healthy workforce is a productive workforce". This insightful perspective underscores the undeniable truth that only healthy minds have the capacity to perform at their best. Prioritizing mental wellbeing within workplace culture is not just a gesture of care but a strategic investment in overall productivity and su...
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Why Mental Wellness Matters for your team?

Why Mental Wellness Matters for your team?

Back in 2017, CoFounder Magazine published an article by entrepreneur Marc Dillon entitled, ‘Stress Test’, it raised the question of how to effectively deal with stress as an entrepreneur and employer. Work-related stress clearly is the main obstacle that doesn't let you get the best results from the team that you lead. This article inspired Dr. Helena Lass to write a ...
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Why should your team strive for excellent mental wellness?

Why should your team strive for excellent mental wellness?

Mental wellness is a proactive approach to mental health – it is the discipline that helps to keep all our inner capabilities in good shape. When people are equipped with effective methods to handle everyday challenges, pressures will not escalate to stress and from there on to burnout and mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, etc. WHY DOES PREVENTING STRESS MATTER? R...
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Personal initiative as the key to success and mental wellness

Personal initiative as the key to success and mental wellness

Are you aware that all success stems from the personal initiative? Read on to discover why initiative is important! When people aren't engaged with what they do or feel passive, they lack practical and applicable intrapersonal skills. Such inner skills enable you to lead your own inner processes at ease and thus support taking individual initiative. Intrapersonal skills are vital su...
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'New Path Towards Mental Wellness' – article in Thrive Global

'New Path Towards Mental Wellness' – article in Thrive Global

Good news! Our founder Dr. Helena Lass has her second mental health article published in Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. This marks her sixth article published in global media. WHY SHOULD I READ THIS MENTAL WELLNESS ARTICLE? Your colleagues and friends could benefit a lot from knowing how to secure mental well-being and a healthy mind, so please take a few minutes of your valu...
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Dr. Lass has Mental Wellness Article featured in New Zealand HR magazine!

Dr. Lass has Mental Wellness Article featured in New Zealand HR magazine!

Let us remind you that focusing on mental wellness proactively represents an opportunity to positively influence the lives of all employees, entrepreneurs and gifted achievers. Excellent mental fitness is a key discovery of how to use your brain in the most effective way to solve work-related tasks. In her latest article published in Human Resource Institute New Zealand (HRINZ) magazi...
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Mental Wellness Article featured on thrive global

Mental Wellness Article featured on thrive global

“Positive stress is a double-edged sword. It releases energy for you to float high on the tides of life, but can just as quickly turn against you…” With burnout being one of the most common byproducts of our always-on society, it shouldn't be taken so lightly. Burnout can have adverse effects on an individual’s mental wellness, employee engagement and on a business&...
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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

With it being Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK this week (14-21 May 2018), HR Magazine UK has today published and shared an article entitled “Intrapersonal Skills As A Proactive Way To Personal Sustainability” written by our founder Dr. Helena Lass. The article pointed out that the business costs of poor mental health are increasing, and businesses can no longer afford to igno...
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Dr. Helena Lass’ revolutionary approach to mental wellness

Dr. Helena Lass’ revolutionary approach to mental wellness

The arena of mental health has been stagnating for some time, as there is no single gene known to cause psychiatric illnesses there are no simple medical solutions. Historically the focus on mental health topics has been placed on disorders and their cure. However, prevention has been missing. The overwhelming majority of methods in psychology have been developed as forms of intervention for a ...
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You can now join mental wellness e-trainings one team at a time

You can now join mental wellness e-trainings one team at a time

Wellness Orbit’s new and innovative e-trainings have been on the market for a year. Despite the success, the most common question we have had from user feedback is: “Am I able to have Wellness Orbit only for certain teams within my company?” Absolutely, we hear you! From now on the answer is always, yes! We changed our pricing focus from whole companies and organiza...
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How to maximize professional skills?

How to maximize professional skills?

Hiring an experienced and insightful professional who is already trained and fully competent is the dream for any employer. In reality, those workplaces that have trained such people (and they do exist!), also value them enough to keep them. You, therefore, need to build your own talent. If you want to start retaining your own talent, you have probably wondered at some point – how is it t...
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Intrapersonal skills enable professional skills to shine

Intrapersonal skills enable professional skills to shine

It is time to take an 'inventory' of yourself to impact positively on your inner performance... Your awareness is probably used now like the next generation of supercomputer technology that is running only a few outdated 'apps'. It is due to a reason that you let your brain/mind operate in the autopilot mode that utilizes a much-outdated 'monkey mind' app that is consumi...
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The year when pro-active mental wellness was born in a scalable format

The year when pro-active mental wellness was born in a scalable format

Last year has been a wonderful year for all of us in the team of Wellness Orbit. We started this year without any mental wellness training on the market, now we have made several available for you. And we finished it with the best Christmas present that we could get. This best present is actually our newest client – the University of Tartu. What makes this customer of ours so special f...
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