How to Make Wise Conscious Choices and Keep A Constructive Mental State?

How to Make Wise Conscious Choices and Keep A Constructive Mental State?You too can learn intrapersonal skills!

The most difficult thing during an economic downturn or any external setback is to keep your calm mind and respond adequately. For this, you need a solution-focused constructive mental state and a relaxed focus, which allows you and your team to spend time wisely.

Pessimistic thinking, a negative attitude, and the tendency to cling to old ideas and solutions in negative situations destroy any chance of an improved future.

When things become grueling, it's vital to make the most of every moment and keep a conscious positive outlook that focuses on solutions.

Psyco-somatic illnesses are the most common health problems

The American Medical Association has stated that up to 90% of illnesses are psycho-somatic or caused by the mind. Anxiousness, worry, stress and burnout are here big contributors to making such loss of health faster.

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If you believe you will get sick, your probability of getting sick improves. If you feel pressure, pressure will slowly build mental and physical tensions. Those tensions speed up the loss of health.

If you don't think there is anything you can do during difficult times or economic contraction, you will lose your inner power and get less done. This self-fulfilling prophecy shows the power of your mind and mental attitude.

When negativity kicks in, negative results will follow. It is as simple as that.

However, it isn't as simple as instructing someone to cultivate positivity. If your own negativity is not dealt with first, it creates inner conflicts. That is why releasing negative emotions (you will find a book about becoming a master of releasing negative emotions on the link), as well as learning to lead your thoughts and emotions at will, will matter.

The common misconceptions about who we are

Most of us in our society are unaware of our true essence and lack proper intrapersonal skills.

Proactivity in unerstanding your inner domain is what gives you sales on stormy waters!

It is understanding of your inner domain that matters and makes the difference. Proactivity in unerstanding your inner domain is what gives you sales on stormy waters! 

You are not your emotions. You have emotions.

You are not your thoughts. You have thoughts.

Naturally negative thoughts feed negative emotions and vice versa. Both negative thoughts and emotions have an impact on your physical body and health.

You are not your physical body either. You have a physical body.

A healthy mind is calm and a calm-minded conscious person is interested in leading thoughts, emotions and keeping the physical body wit and well in a way that there is an inner harmony.

Wrong social patterns destroy the constructive mental state

Our social patterns and culture are filled with different negative acting patterns. Most of those are subconsciously distributed. Our parents and other people have lacked intrapersonal education and thus they expose us to their patterns.

We copy-paste patterns subconsciously and use what we have seen. Until we lack awareness, subconsciousness takes over. As negatives dominate the modern world, it is easy to get lost in it.

However, autosuggestion of the positive isn't a solution here. While such affirmations sound great, this theory of stating affirmations fails to consider all the other thoughts that exist in your awareness within you and around you. This exposure to negative, if not released and dealt with, will attract negative until dealt with on a personal level.

Telling someone to remain positive in a negative environment is like telling someone who is swimming in water to remain dry. It never works.

Our human relations and (social) media contribute negativity to our lives each day.

The question isn't what people around us do, the question is, why do you react? How can you remove such inner reactions?

You have to counter this flow of negativity with the inner shift.

Only when you shift your attention to a more solution-oriented outlook can you deal with any challenge successfully. Otherwise, you're apt to pay the price in loss of mental wellness, employee engagement levels and work results.

Your consciousness allows the conscious choice

You have been given by nature the natural faculty to remain independent through your senses and by using your consciousness.

It is your calm mind and conscious being that allows you to maintain inner balance. You can choose how you respond if you step out of the subconscious patterns of the autopilot mode.

Response-ability is a conscious choice.

Your ability to respond gives you freedom. In that sense taking responsibility equals freedom.

Freedom and intrapersonal skills allow excellent self-leadership. But we all need to learn such skills.

Why intrapersonal skills matter in practice?

We lose our freedom of choice if we cannot manage to distinguish conceptual reality based on our thoughts and emotions from being present and using our sensory reality, in which direct experience of the world dominates.

The way we have been raised already connects us on a cultural level to conceptual reality and its norms. We seldom question if those norms that we are exposed to support our mental wellness and calm mind.

We should do it more often as the lack of intrapersonal education and financial education are both real. When you lack inner freedom, a calm mind and financial independence you lack the key aspects of freedom.

A collective of free people, using free will for the benefit of others is the best form of entrepreneurship that exists. It is the essence of a free market economy and a healthy society.

A free society with sound money is the most stable form of society that exists. We have lost that ideal by overregulating both our workplaces and society.

However, rules and regulations can't ever replace free will and ethics.

If such replacement happens, there is more manipulation, speculation and rulers add to the propaganda to stay in power. When we live a lie, we subconsciously pick it up. It creates stress, worry and anxiousness. This leads us to the wrong path, but our subconscious side is afraid to change.

To get over fear we need skills, skills that allow sustainable self-leadership and improve our use of free will. Intrapersonal skills are such skills and those are beneficial also for taking our professional skills to a whole new level.

When fit-minded people with good intrapersonal skills meet, they create the culture they love. This is the foundation of continuous learning as well, you see it as beneficial for you first and then it becomes beneficial for the team/company as well.

It is important to learn and have skills, theoretical knowledge alone doesn't make a huge difference as it doesn't free us from subconscious patterns and blindspots in real-life situations.


The key to navigating any challenge lies in maintaining a positive and solution-focused mindset. Understanding the profound impact of your mental state on your physical health and productivity is essential.

While it may be challenging to combat ingrained negativity and societal influences, making a conscious effort to shift towards a constructive outlook can significantly improve your ability to handle difficulties.

By focusing on solutions rather than problems and learning practical intrapersonal skills, you can enhance both your mental wellness and overall success.

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Stress and burnout reduction trainingProactive mental wellness trainingProductivity and mental wellness training

This blog post is provided by Kaur Lass